
Aventum is a headless CMS so it is completely agnostic about your frontend(s), you can use Aventum with any kind and any number of frameworks or applications or games or anything else!

In this section we will cover how you could authenticate and authorize your users in your frontend application and how to create/get/update/delete contents from your frontend application.

For step by step instructions you may be interested in the Tutorial

The default aventum-server-url is localhost:3030. The default aventum-frontend-url is localhost:3333.


Aventum uses JSON Web Token to authenticate the users.


You can log in a user by making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/login with the user's email and password in the request body, you will receive the user object in the response body and the access token (x-access-token) in the response header.

const response = await fetch("http://aventum-server-url/users/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
email: "me@example.com",
password: "MyStrongPassword",


Making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/register with a user's fields like firstName, lastName, email, picture, password, and passwordConfirmation will register a new user and we will get the access token(x-access-token) in the response header and the user's data in the response body.

const response = await fetch("http://aventum-server-url/users/register", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
email: "me@example.com",
password: "MyStrongPassword",
passwordConfirmation: "MyStrongPassword",

Get Currently Logged In User Data

To get the user data using the user token x-access-token that you saved to the local storage for example you can make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/users/me and put the access token(x-access-token) in the request header, the user data will be returned in the request body.

const response = await fetch(`http://aventum-server-url/users/me`, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-access-token": "x-access-token",

Forget Password

For the email functionality to work don't forget to set the SMTP settings, to do so go to the dashboard then to Options => Email Options.

Making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/forgotPassword and put the user's email address in the request body as email field will send an email to the user with a link that will allow the user to reset her/his password.

const response = await fetch("http://aventum-server-url/users/forgotPassword", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
email: "me@example.com",

Reset Password

When the user clicks on the forget password link inside the email the user will be landed on http://aventum-frontend-url/reset-password/:token

Making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/resetPassword with the user's password and passwordConfirmation fields in the request body and the access token that extracted from the URL of the forget password link in the request header as x-access-token will reset the user's password.

const response = await fetch("http://aventum-server-url/users/resetPassword", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-access-token": "Token that extracted from the URL",
body: JSON.stringify({
password: "MyStrongPassword",
passwordConfirmation: "MyStrongPassword",


Making a PATCH request to http://aventum-server-url/users/profile with the user's fields like firstName, lastName, email, picture, password, and passwordConfirmation and putting the access token (x-access-token) in the request header will update the user's data and will return the updated user object in the response body.

const response = await fetch("http://aventum-server-url/users/profile", {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-access-token": "x-access-token",
body: JSON.stringify({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
email: "me@example.com",
picture: "http://url/to/profile/picture",
password: "MyStrongPassword",
passwordConfirmation: "MyStrongPassword",

Provider Login

For the provider login functionality to work don't forget to set the options from the dashboard, you can find them in Options => Login Providers.

You can add login with Facebook and login with Google to your login form, to do so just add anchor tags in your login form like:

<a href="http://aventum-server-url/users/auth/facebook">Login with Facebook</a>
<a href="http://aventum-server-url/users/auth/google">Login with Google</a>

When the user chose to log in using a provider like Google or Facebook and after the user allowing our blog to access his/her public data on the provider the user will be redirected to http://aventum-frontend-url/login/:provider/:token then if you made a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/login/${provider}/provider and put the token that extracted from the URL into the request body as token will log the user in using that provider.

const response = await fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-access-token": "Token that extracted from the URL",

You will receive the user object in the response body and the access token (x-access-token) in the response header.

Email Confirmation

To resend the confirmation email make a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/resendConfirmationEmail and put the user's token into the request header as x-access-token.

const response = await fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-access-token": "x-access-token",

On registration or when the user requests to resend the confirmation email the user will receive an email with a link like http://aventum-frontend-url/email-confirmation/:token, making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/users/emailConfirmation and put the token that extracted from the URL into the request body as token will confirm the user's email address.

const response = await fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
token: "Token that extracted from the URL",

Email Confirmation Status

You see the email confirmation status for the user by checking the emailConfirmation property of the user object that you receive from the server on logged in for example.


You may be interested in acl.js file.

Aventum uses roles and capabilities to authorize the users, form the server-side or the dashboard you don't have to do anything, Aventum by default authorizes the users wherever required.

If you want to authorize the users from your frontend app then this section for you.

The user object that you receive on login, register, etc. and even when you request the user data will contain roles and capabilities arrays contains the user's roles and capabilities.

Aventum authorization depends on capabilities, so in order to check if the user is capable to do a specific action, we check if the user has a certain capability/capabilities, the total user capabilities is equal to the summation of the user capabilities plus all the capacities of the roles that the user has.

For example, if the user only has the administrator role with no capability in the capabilities array then the user has all the capabilities of the administrator role, another example if the user has some capabilities in the capabilities array with author and editor roles then the user will have all the capabilities of the editor and author roles plus the capabilities of the capabilities array.

To get all the capabilities make a get request to http://aventum-server-url/capabilities/all and to get all the roles you can make a get request to http://aventum-server-url/roles/all.

If you want to check if the user is capable to make create, read, update, and delete operations on some content you must get the schema of that content and check the acl property of that schema.

To get all the schemas you can make a get request to http://aventum-server-url/schemas/all.


To get all uploads we can make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/uploads/all and in order to avoid grabbing all the uploads you can specify what is the specifications of the uploads that you want by adding a query object to the URL like http://aventum-server-url/uploads/all?query=${encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(query) )}. You can learn more about this query object here.

let query = { whereIn: { column: "id", values: [11, 65, 8] } }
const response = await fetch(
let data = await response.json()
const uploads = data.uploads

To fetch a single upload make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/uploads/:uploadId

const response = await fetch(`http://aventum-server-url/uploads/9545`)
let upload = await response.json()

To get a paginated uploads make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/uploads?page=2&query=${encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(query) )}

To delete upload make a DELETE request to http://aventum-server-url/uploads/:uploadId with x-access-token in the request header, the user must have deleteUpload permission in order to be able to delete upload, and if the upload was not uploaded by the user then the user must have deleteOthersUpload capability as well.

To upload a file the user must have createUpload capability then the user can make a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/uploads with x-access-token in the request header.


When you create a schema the following routes automatically become available for your content:


  • To fetch any content page/list from the Aventum server we make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName?page=:pageNumber&query=:query with the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the READ section of the Access Control List of your schema.

  • To fetch all the content items from the Aventum server we make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName/all?query=:query with the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the READ section of the Access Control List of your schema.

  • To fetch a single content item from the server make a GET request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName/:itemId with the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the READ section of the Access Control List of your schema.


  • Create content by making a POST request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName?page=:pageNumber&query=:query with the schema fields in the body of the request and the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the CREATE section of the Access Control List of your schema.


  • To update a content item make a PATCH request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName/:itemId with the schema fields in the body of the request and the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the UPDATE section of the Access Control List of your schema.


  • To delete a content item make a DELETE request to http://aventum-server-url/:schemaPluralName/:itemId with the access token(x-access-token) in the header of the request if the authentication/authorization is required in the DELETE section of the Access Control List of your schema.