Requirements & Configurations

Requirements Summary

You need the following to get Aventum up and running:

If you have Docker then you will not need any of the following, for more info please check the Installation section!

  1. Node.js(LTS version is recommended).
  2. PostgreSQL or MongoDB or MariaDB or MySQL.
  3. Redis

Configurations Summary

  1. Sample of server configurations available in pg.env and mongo.env files, simply create a copy from one of those files and name it .env and change the values to suit your need.
  2. Dashboard configuration files are.env.test, .env.development, and .env.production depends on the environment, just create your copy from them and name them like .env.test.local, .env.development.local and .env.production.local and change the configurations as you want.

Supported Databases

Aventum tested and support SQL based databases like PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB and MongoDB.

Since Aventum uses Knex.js under the hood as a query builder for the SQL based databases so it should work with other SQL based databases that Knex.js supports like MSSQL, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift however we didn't test it yet with these databases(any contribution in this area will be more than welcome).


It is good to know that Aventum consists of two main parts server and dashboard, the server is an Express server and the dashboard is a react app bootstrapped with create-react-app.

The Server Configuration File(s)

We included two sample configuration files pg.env and mongo.env, you can choose any of these files and create a copy from it with a name like .env, Aventum server uses dotenv-flow behind the scenes to parse these .env files.

You can set a configuration file per environment like .env.development and .env.production, here are what these environment variables mean:

  • DB_TYPE the database type that you want to use e.g. pg (for PostgreSQL), mysql for MySQL and MariaDB, and mongodb.
  • DB_NAME the database name.
  • DB_USER the database user.
  • DB_PASSWORD the database password.
  • DB_HOST the database host.
  • DB_PORT the database port.
  • PORT the port that the server will run on.
  • REDIS_PORT Redis port.
  • REDIS_HOST Redis host.
  • REDIS_DB Redis database.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD Redis password.
  • REDIS_FAMILY 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6).

Dashboard Configuration File

Aventum dashboard bootstrapped with create-react-app the file that picked depends on the environment, so there are three different files:

  • .env.production
  • .env.development
  • .env.test

Create your copies from these files and name them like .env.test.local, .env.development.local, and .env.production.local and change the values in these files to suits your needs, each of these files contains REACT_APP_BASE_URL environment variable which you can use to set up the Aventum server URL and PORT environment variable which is the port that the dashboard will use in the development mode for example.