
Since Aventum simply consists of two parts server(Express server) and dashboard(create-react-app) there are many different ways to install Aventum, here we describe some of them.

Aventum CLI

If you want to try Aventum and play with it you can install it quickly using Aventum CLI. First, install the cli using npm install @aventum/cli -g then you can run aventum create -r in an empty folder to create and run Aventum app.


Currently, you can use the Docker Compose template that we created to run Aventum using Docker quickly, you can install the Docker Compose template manually or automatically using Aventum CLI.

Automatically Install Docker Compose template

First, install the CLI using npm install @aventum/cli -g then you can run aventum create -d in an empty folder to create Aventum's Docker Compose template.

Manually Install Docker Compose template

  1. Clone or download the template from to a folder lets called it ADD.
  2. Clone or download Aventum server
  3. Clone or download Aventum dashboard
  4. Copy the server files to ADD/server folder and the dashboard files to ADD/dashboard.
  5. Now you can run docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml up in ADD folder to use PostgreSQL or run docker-compose -f docker-compose.mongodb.yml up to use MongoDB.

For more info about the template please check

Manual Installation

  1. Create a server folder and clone or download Aventum server files to it.
  2. Run npm i in the server folder.
  3. Create a copy from either server/pg.env or server/mongo.env and name it .env and change the values to suits your needs.
  4. Run node . in the server folder to run the server.
  5. Create a dashboard folder and clone or download Aventum dashboard files to it.
  6. Run npm i in the dashboard folder.
  7. Create a copy from dashboard/.env.production with name .env.production.local and make sure that REACT_APP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3030/
  8. Run npm run build in the dashboard folder.
  9. Run npm install serve -g to install serve.
  10. Run serve -s build in the dashboard folder.
  11. Navigate to http://localhost:3333/setup to create your superuser!